News & Events


China Chengxin Group Celebrates 32nd Anniversary

中誠信亞太榮獲 “2024年度卓越跨境金融服務一等獎”

CCXAP becomes the first Chinese credit rating agency to be recognized under HKMA’s QDI Scheme and Green and Sustainable Finance Grant Scheme


中誠信亞太榮獲 “金久期” 2023年度中資傑出評級機構及城投類傑出評級機構

CCXI & CCXAP have gained approval from the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) as Internationally Recognized Credit Rating Agencies.


China Chengxin (Asia Pacific) Credit Rating Co., Ltd. is the first approved Chinese credit rating agency by Hong Kong’s Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority