News & Events

CCX Seminar on "The Road for Chinese Enterprises to Financing in Overseas" was successfully held

CCX Forum on "Chinese Enterprises Offshore Financing and HK Bond Market" was successfully held in Hong Kong

Mr. Philip Li spoke at the 4th RMB FIC Conference 2017 organized by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) on 8 June 2017

Moody’s & CCXI 2017 Mid-Year China Credit Outlook Conference was successfully held in Beijing

Mr. Jinhong SHAO spoke at the 24th CLSA Investors' Forum organized by Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia (CLSA) on 13 September 2017

CCX Summit on “Opportunities and Risks along the Belt & Road under the New Globalization Strategy” was successfully held

Moody’s & CCXI 2018 Mid-Year China Credit Outlook Conference was successfully held in Shenzhen

CCXAP as the only Chinese rating agency to participate in the HKEX's 5th Annual RMB Fixed Income & Currency Conference 2018

CCX invited to HSBC 2nd Annual Asia Credit Conference